Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Day Dawned Golden

After twenty-seven days without a whisper of story, the Apocalypse rises again to ensnare us all in its warm, grasping tentacles. As it draws you once more into its gaping maw, take a moment to reflect on the meaninglessness of your life without my writing. Then rejoice as you are consumed. Rejoice, for never again shall you know a day without the Apocalypse. Until I get writer's block again that is. Which will probably not happen until midsummer. Maybe sooner. Possibly later. Regardless, don't expect updates at the frequency I once attempted. The rush of daily posting did nothing but advance the story. That is to say, things happened, but nothing really was told.

Apparently, a lot of pieces fell into place during my briefish hiatus. Regrettably, more fell out of place than into. My entire ending needs to be reworked, though that won't be a problem for months. I had believed I had the Yellow story arc into place, but when I look back on it, the manga's story seems to have overwritten it. While I liked the manga's version, I doubt anyone would care to read a novelization thereof.

The lack of response by this point is really very discouraging.


  1. Updates are updates. As long as they come every once in a while, that's fine with me! :P

  2. They shall come. If they fail to, you need only to offer a god's blood atop a mountain at a crossroads at noon on a sunless day.

  3. Yeah... no. I'll just wait for the updates, thanks. The only time God bled was when He was in human form as Jesus.

  4. And I bleed for no man. Or woman. Or hermaphrodite.

  5. You are not God, Reogan! Don't say something like that on Good Friday!

  6. Fine. Don't type something like that on Good Friday!

  7. Meant to represent sarcastic laughter. I know you don't like actions indicated with asterisks, so I didn't type "*laughs sarcastically*."

  8. Despite my omnipotence, you may live.

  9. See, that's where you're wrong.

  10. You've said that before, and it still fails to be true.

  11. Again, you reiterate your falsehoods.
