Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Spring of Lamentation

GLaDOS first spoke her Lament to me many months before I posted it. I wrote it, over the course of a week, in a notebook. I later read through it and made only the most minor modifications. The Lament was originally written as a whole, but as I read through it, the words lent themselves to my divisions. Rewriting it all on the blog was work, and this is the very reason that hiatuses were common. The method of writing very few words per line was a new poetry to me. I had only used it once before, in the post Gloomy. I didn't realize I had used it before; in my mind it was completely new.Yet it came naturally. It gave power to the words. Words that I carefully chose. Throughout the writing of the piece, I made a point of returning to the word love and I tried to use phrases from the game (harder than it sounds, because unlike the game, the Lament had no overall hint of sarcasm). The entirety of the piece was meant to convey, not her madness, but the goodness which she strove for. I will never know why I called it GLaDOS's Lament rather than GLaDOS' Lament, but much like the lack of capitalization in a rather pleasant site, what was once an error is now a delightful quirk. A quirk at least, if not delightful.


  1. I did like GLaDOS's Lament. I was sad when it ended.

  2. There is no end. Not while she's still alive. I just need to play Portal 2 first. Then she may one day lament anew.
